What We Can Do for You

Mytreus stands out in the field of legal services in IP for its ability to manage and solve specific problems promptly and with an high inclination to a creative use of judicial tools in IP matters. Proof of this is the professionalism acquired over the years, allowing us to boast the following examples of results.

Alternative Management of Notifications for Urgent Proceedings in Extra-EU Territories

We proposed and obtained a specific authorization order from the Court of Milan to proceed with the service of precautionary measures in ways that are different and more efficient than conventional methods, achieving a result that would otherwise not be attainable.

Gathering Evidence of Counterfeiting Abroad

Thanks to judicial measures with cross-border scope, we have obtained several cross-border Description orders under Reg. 1201/2001 (now Reg. 1783/2020). This type of instrument allows for the acquisition, in multiple jurisdictions and before the start of the lawsuit, of uncontaminated evidence of the violation, the parties actually involved, and the economic turnover generated.

Management of Asset Seizures to Ensure Payment of Damages by the Counterfeiter

We have obtained precautionary seizures under Article 144 bis of the Italian IP Code, ex parte, even in the context of "self-seizure." This has allowed us to prevent payments to foreign subcontractors suspected of unauthorized productions (overruns).

Ex Parte Seizures of "Parallel Imports" of Products Found at Customs

We obtained very quickly Court orders to manage the inability of Customs to consider such goods (being genuine but unauthorized products) as seizable under customs suspension procedures per Regulation 608/2013.

Contractual and Judicial Protection of Exclusive, Selective, and Mixed Product and Service Distribution Systems

We have obtained precautionary measures and merit judgments aimed at sanctioning the violation of the distribution system implemented by the trademark owner (or the holder of the exclusive exploitation right at the national level), which have allowed the recovering of the prejudice suffered.

"Ex parte injunctions" to protect against the violation of Trade Secrets.

We swiftly obtained measures to sanction the abusive use of confidential information under Articles 98 and 99 of the CPI..

Prompt measures to protect against acts of unfair competition.

We obtained measures (including evidence gathering, seizures, and injunctions, both provisional and definitive) aimed at promptly halting ongoing unfair activities and subsequently allowing for the recovery of damages.

Optimized management of disputes involving multiple defendants.

In order to provide efficient service in cost containment and coordination of evidence, we are very skilled in coordinating complex actions concerning multiple defendants in the most suitable court, particularly regarding procedures for description, seizures, and provisional injunctions.

Based on these simple examples, one can understand our high skill in managing complex conflicts.

Given our extensive litigation experience, we are capable of guiding the drafting of distribution and licensing agreements with foresight into potential future issues.

Similarly, we can support “upstream” strategies for filing exclusive titles, synergistically complementing Industrial Property Consultancy studies.

Lastly, our accumulated experience in EU procedural matters concerning European Trademarks and Community Designs enables us to handle the curren landscape of Unified Patent Court disputes at the Italian branch in Milan with highly evolved expertise, guiding appropriate strategies in both offensive and defensive actions.


I nostri

Cause vinte
We care about your <b><u>rights</u></b>

We care about your rights

Mytreus was born from decades of experience in advanced legal services, both in litigation and contractual management of intellectual and industrial property.

In particular, our aim is to offer an integrated service with a strong strategic component in managing legal services related to industrial intellectual property portfolios (both existing and to be established).

The choice of the name is not accidental: it draws inspiration from the solar illumination at the heart of Mithraism.

Therefore, we aim to enlighten the path and decisions of those who choose to rely on us to resolve their intellectual property issues, leveraging our experience.

Studio legale Milano

Studio legale Venezia

Studio legale Verona


The law firm always on your side for your Rights

In over twenty years of practice, we have consolidated our experience in legal matters. Our professional commitment has always been focused on defending Industrial Intellectual Property rights.
Founder <b><u>Andrea Piai</u></b>

Founder Andrea Piai

The founder of Mytreus is Andrea Piai, an attorney based in Venice.

Andrea began collaborating with another industry professional (Attorney Giovanni Casucci) in the early 2000s, jointly handling all IP disputes at the specialized section in Venice.

From 2009 to 2017, he served as head of the Venice office at Studio Casucci and later at Bardehle Pagenberg Italy.

Andrea is also a faculty member of the European Patent Litigation (EPL) course at Politecnico di Milano.

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This is our team


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Jonathan Web

CEO & Founder

Hi there!

Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Ronald Henry

Strategic advisor


Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Theresa Watson​

Human relationships​
Our process

Step by step
how we do it


Market Research

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Financial Consulting

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Project Management

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PR & Marketing

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